Sunday, February 19, 2012

IN versus =

Lets say i have a view

I select from that view with a where clause like

where xyz = 12

it takes 1 second to return

then i select the same view with xyz = 14

it takes 1 second to return

then i select from the view where

xyz in (12,14) why would it take 20 seconds for that data to come back if seperately it only took 2 seconds...

Check the execution plan. It may use Scan when you use in.|||

use OR instead of IN and post back the result.

select *from yourview where xyz=14 or xyz=12

and also tell us what all are the index on this table



You can compare the execution plans. The query optimizer use different strategy when dealing with the OR operator in the "where" clause. Sometimes it is better to use the "union all" of both separated statements.

select * from vw_v1 where xyz = 12

union all

select * from vw_v1 where xyz = 14


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