I'm trying to build a command that gets a linkservername but gets this error
msg:Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Insert'. Can anyone help.
set @.cmd = Insert into Job_Results
Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+', '+@.linkservername+',
case j.enabled
when 0 then 'N'
when 1 then 'Y'
case h.run_status
when 0 then 'Failed'
when 1 then 'Successful'
when 3 then 'Cancelled'
when 4 then 'In Progress'
From [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
[+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
Where j.job_id = h.job_id
and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
From [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].
[sysjobhistory] h
where j.job_id = h.job_id)
and h.run_status <> 1
Message posted via http://www.webservertalk.comNaana,
I believe you'll need to use the EXEC statement and build your SQL statement
dynamically to do this. Google Dynamic SQL.
"Naana via webservertalk.com" <forum@.webservertalk.com> wrote in message
> I'm trying to build a command that gets a linkservername but gets this
> error
> msg:Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Insert'. Can anyone help.
> Thnaks.
> set @.cmd = Insert into Job_Results
> Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+', '+@.linkservername+',
> substring(j.name,1,32),
> h.step_id,
> substring(h.step_name,1,32),
> convert(varchar(12),convert(datetime,con
> run_date))),
> case j.enabled
> when 0 then 'N'
> when 1 then 'Y'
> End,
> case h.run_status
> when 0 then 'Failed'
> when 1 then 'Successful'
> when 3 then 'Cancelled'
> when 4 then 'In Progress'
> End,
> h.run_duration,
> substring(h.message,1,300)
> From [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
> [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
> Where j.job_id = h.job_id
> and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
> From [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].
> [sysjobhistory] h
> where j.job_id = h.job_id)
> and h.run_status <> 1
> --
> Message posted via http://www.webservertalk.com|||Hi
You are missing the many single quotes within the construction of @.cmd
set @.cmd = 'Insert into Job_Results
Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+', '+@.linkservername+',
case j.enabled
when 0 then ''N''
when 1 then ''Y''
case h.run_status
when 0 then ''Failed''
when 1 then ''Successful''
when 3 then ''Cancelled''
when 4 then ''In Progress''
From ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
Where j.job_id = h.job_id
and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h
where j.job_id = h.job_id)
and h.run_status <> 1'
You may want to read:
"Naana via webservertalk.com" wrote:
> I'm trying to build a command that gets a linkservername but gets this err
> msg:Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Insert'. Can anyone help.
> Thnaks.
> set @.cmd = Insert into Job_Results
> Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+', '+@.linkservername+',
> substring(j.name,1,32),
> h.step_id,
> substring(h.step_name,1,32),
> convert(varchar(12),convert(datetime,con
> run_date))),
> case j.enabled
> when 0 then 'N'
> when 1 then 'Y'
> End,
> case h.run_status
> when 0 then 'Failed'
> when 1 then 'Successful'
> when 3 then 'Cancelled'
> when 4 then 'In Progress'
> End,
> h.run_duration,
> substring(h.message,1,300)
> From [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
> [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
> Where j.job_id = h.job_id
> and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
> From [+@.linkservername+].[msdb].[dbo].
> [sysjobhistory] h
> where j.job_id = h.job_id)
> and h.run_status <> 1
> --
> Message posted via http://www.webservertalk.com
>|||John Bell wrote:
>You are missing the many single quotes within the construction of @.cmd
>set @.cmd = 'Insert into Job_Results
> Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+', '+@.linkservername+',
> substring(j.name,1,32),
> h.step_id,
> substring(h.step_name,1,32),
> convert(varchar(12),convert(datetime,con
> case j.enabled
> when 0 then ''N''
> when 1 then ''Y''
> End,
> case h.run_status
> when 0 then ''Failed''
> when 1 then ''Successful''
> when 3 then ''Cancelled''
> when 4 then ''In Progress''
> End,
> h.run_duration,
> substring(h.message,1,300)
> From ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
> ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
> Where j.job_id = h.job_id
> and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
> From
>['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h
> where j.job_id = h.job_id)
> and h.run_status <> 1'
>You may want to read:
>[quoted text clipped - 30 lines]
Hi John,
Thanks, the sub_query is working now but I get the following message when
runn the whole query:
1) Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Invalid column name 'ACCURATE'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near ''.
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 27
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'and'.
The whole query:
Declare @.linkservername varchar(256)
Declare @.cmd varchar(8000)
Declare @.batchid bigint
-- Set the parms
exec pBatchInsert @.BatchID output
--select @.batchID
-- if exists drop then create table to hold error log results
If exists (Select * From dbo.sysobjects Where id = object_id(N'[dbo].
[Error_Log_Results_Temp]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
Drop Table [dbo].[Error_Log_Results_Temp]
Create Table [dbo].[Error_Log_Results_Temp]
([vchMessage] [varchar] (255),
[ID] [int])
-- if exists drop the create table to hold a list of servers this proc is
If exists (Select * From dbo.sysobjects Where id = object_id(N'[dbo].
[Job_Status]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
Drop Table [dbo].[Job_Status]
Create Table [dbo].[Job_Status]
(Status varchar(16),
Server varchar(64),
[TimeStamp] datetime)
-- cursur thru the sysservres table to get list of servers linked to this on
Declare linkserver_cursor CURSOR
For Select srvname
From master..sysservers(nolock)
Where srvproduct = 'SQL Server'
and isremote = 1
and srvname not in ('DBPHQOVOM01\OVOPS')
-- and srvname = 'posrep'
Order by srvname
Open linkserver_cursor
Fetch Next From linkserver_cursor into @.linkservername
While ( @.@.fetch_status <> -1 )
If ( @.@.fetch_status <> -2 )
-- insert ststus
Insert into Job_Status
Select 'Started', @.linkservername, getdate()
Insert into Servers_Scaned
Select @.BatchID, @.linkservername
-- build command
set @.cmd = 'Insert into Job_Results
Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+',
case j.enabled
when 0 then ''N''
when 1 then ''Y''
case h.run_status
when 0 then ''Failed''
when 1 then ''Successful''
when 3 then ''Cancelled''
when 4 then ''In Progress''
From ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
Where j.job_id = h.job_id
and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h
where j.job_id = h.job_id)
and h.run_status <> 1'
-- exec command
Exec (@.cmd)
--select @.cmd
-- Begin loading info from error logs.
Set @.cmd = ' '
Set @.cmd = 'INSERT Error_Log_Results_Temp Exec ['+@.linkservername+'].
--select @.cmd
Exec (@.cmd)
-- insert error log results into temp table and tag it with a server name.
Insert into Error_Log_Results
Select @.batchid, @.linkservername,'0', *
From Error_Log_Results_Temp
Where (vchMessage like '%error:%'
or vchMessage like '%failed%'
or vchMessage like '%invalid%'
or vchMessage like '%full%'
or vchMessage like '%hung%'
or vchMessage like '%kill%'
or vchMessage like '%violation%'
or vchMessage like '%SqlDumpExceptionHandler%'
or vchMessage like '%Stack%'
or vchMessage like '%terminating%'
or vchMessage like '%shutdown%'
or vchMessage like '%fatal%')
-- truncate table for load from the second error log.
Truncate Table Error_Log_Results_Temp
-- clear then build the command
Set @.cmd = ' '
Set @.cmd = 'INSERT Error_Log_Results_Temp Exec ['+@.linkservername+'].
[master].[dbo].[xp_readerrorlog] 1'
--select @.cmd
Exec (@.cmd)
-- Insert results into temp error log table
Insert into Error_Log_Results
Select @.batchid, @.linkservername,'1', *
From Error_Log_Results_Temp
Where (vchMessage like '%error:%'
or vchMessage like '%failed%'
or vchMessage like '%invalid%'
or vchMessage like '%full%'
or vchMessage like '%hung%'
or vchMessage like '%kill%'
or vchMessage like '%violation%'
or vchMessage like '%SqlDumpExceptionHandler%'
or vchMessage like '%Stack%'
or vchMessage like '%terminating%'
or vchMessage like '%shutdown%'
or vchMessage like '%fatal%')
Truncate Table Error_Log_Results_Temp
Insert into Job_Status
Select 'Finished', @.linkservername, getdate()
FETCH NEXT From linkserver_cursor into @.linkservername
CLOSE linkserver_cursor
DEALLOCATE linkserver_cursor
-- Cleanup
Drop Table [dbo].[Error_Log_Results_Temp]
Drop Table [dbo].[Job_Status]
-- print ' '
-- print '***************************************
-- print '** End of Report: '+convert(varchar(64),getdate())+' **'
-- print '***************************************
-- Return (0)
Message posted via http://www.webservertalk.com|||Hi
The query runs but now get's this message for my server names as invalid
column names.
) Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Invalid column name 'ACCURATE'.
John Bell wrote:
>You are missing the many single quotes within the construction of @.cmd
>set @.cmd = 'Insert into Job_Results
> Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+', '+@.linkservername+',
> substring(j.name,1,32),
> h.step_id,
> substring(h.step_name,1,32),
> convert(varchar(12),convert(datetime,con
> case j.enabled
> when 0 then ''N''
> when 1 then ''Y''
> End,
> case h.run_status
> when 0 then ''Failed''
> when 1 then ''Successful''
> when 3 then ''Cancelled''
> when 4 then ''In Progress''
> End,
> h.run_duration,
> substring(h.message,1,300)
> From ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
> ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
> Where j.job_id = h.job_id
> and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
> From
>['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h
> where j.job_id = h.job_id)
> and h.run_status <> 1'
>You may want to read:
>[quoted text clipped - 30 lines]
Message posted via http://www.webservertalk.com|||Hi
Accurate must be in your data, therefore you may want to try using PRINT
@.cmd before your EXEC statement to show what the SQL is that you are
executing. You could then 'debug' the output from the PRINT statement so tha
it provides what you require and then figure out how to make up the command
in dynamic SQL.
It could be that you are wanting to output a literal value rather than the
value of a column from your variables e.g.
If @.batchid had a value 101 and @.linkservername was DBPHQOVOM01\OVOPSVR
Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+','+@.lin
Would be looking for a column called 101 and DBPHQOVOM01\OVOPSVR (which is
it if a valid column should be escaped with [] such as [DBPHQOVOM01\OVOPSVR]
)when you executed @.cmd.
Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+',['+@.li
would give
Select distinct 101, [DBPHQOVOM01\OVOPSVR], ...
If you actually wanted a constants to be output then you need to enquote the
Select distinct
this would give
Select distinct '101', 'DBPHQOVOM01\OVOPSVR', ...
"Naana via webservertalk.com" wrote:
> John Bell wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks, the sub_query is working now but I get the following message when
> runn the whole query:
> 1) Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
> Invalid column name 'ACCURATE'.
> and
> Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
> Line 2: Incorrect syntax near ''.
> Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 27
> Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'and'.
> The whole query:
> Declare @.linkservername varchar(256)
> Declare @.cmd varchar(8000)
> Declare @.batchid bigint
> -- Set the parms
> exec pBatchInsert @.BatchID output
> --select @.batchID
> -- if exists drop then create table to hold error log results
> If exists (Select * From dbo.sysobjects Where id = object_id(N'[dbo].
> [Error_Log_Results_Temp]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
> Begin
> Drop Table [dbo].[Error_Log_Results_Temp]
> End
> Create Table [dbo].[Error_Log_Results_Temp]
> ([vchMessage] [varchar] (255),
> [ID] [int])
> -- if exists drop the create table to hold a list of servers this proc is
> accesing.
> If exists (Select * From dbo.sysobjects Where id = object_id(N'[dbo].
> [Job_Status]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
> Begin
> Drop Table [dbo].[Job_Status]
> End
> Create Table [dbo].[Job_Status]
> (Status varchar(16),
> Server varchar(64),
> [TimeStamp] datetime)
> -- cursur thru the sysservres table to get list of servers linked to this
> Declare linkserver_cursor CURSOR
> For Select srvname
> From master..sysservers(nolock)
> Where srvproduct = 'SQL Server'
> and isremote = 1
> and srvname not in ('DBPHQOVOM01\OVOPS')
> -- and srvname = 'posrep'
> Order by srvname
> Open linkserver_cursor
> Fetch Next From linkserver_cursor into @.linkservername
> While ( @.@.fetch_status <> -1 )
> Begin
> If ( @.@.fetch_status <> -2 )
> Begin
> -- insert ststus
> Insert into Job_Status
> Select 'Started', @.linkservername, getdate()
> Insert into Servers_Scaned
> Select @.BatchID, @.linkservername
> -- build command
> set @.cmd = 'Insert into Job_Results
> Select distinct '+convert(varchar(10),@.batchid)+',
> '+@.linkservername+',
> substring(j.name,1,32),
> h.step_id,
> substring(h.step_name,1,32),
> convert(varchar(12),convert(datetime,con
> case j.enabled
> when 0 then ''N''
> when 1 then ''Y''
> End,
> case h.run_status
> when 0 then ''Failed''
> when 1 then ''Successful''
> when 3 then ''Cancelled''
> when 4 then ''In Progress''
> End,
> h.run_duration,
> substring(h.message,1,300)
> From ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h,
> ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] j
> Where j.job_id = h.job_id
> and h.run_date = (Select max(h.run_date)
> From
> ['+@.linkservername+'].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h
> where j.job_id = h.job_id)
> and h.run_status <> 1'
> -- exec command
> Exec (@.cmd)
> --select @.cmd
> -- Begin loading info from error logs.
> Set @.cmd = ' '
> Set @.cmd = 'INSERT Error_Log_Results_Temp Exec ['+@.linkservername+'].
> [master].[dbo].[xp_readerrorlog]'
> --select @.cmd
> Exec (@.cmd)
> -- insert error log results into temp table and tag it with a server name.
> Insert into Error_Log_Results
> Select @.batchid, @.linkservername,'0', *
> From Error_Log_Results_Temp
> Where (vchMessage like '%error:%'
> or vchMessage like '%failed%'
> or vchMessage like '%invalid%'
> or vchMessage like '%full%'
> or vchMessage like '%hung%'
> or vchMessage like '%kill%'
> or vchMessage like '%violation%'
> or vchMessage like '%SqlDumpExceptionHandler%'
> or vchMessage like '%EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION%'
> or vchMessage like '%Stack%'
> or vchMessage like '%terminating%'
> or vchMessage like '%shutdown%'
> or vchMessage like '%fatal%')
> -- truncate table for load from the second error log.
> Truncate Table Error_Log_Results_Temp
> -- clear then build the command
> Set @.cmd = ' '
> Set @.cmd = 'INSERT Error_Log_Results_Temp Exec ['+@.linkservername+'].
> [master].[dbo].[xp_readerrorlog] 1'
> --select @.cmd
> Exec (@.cmd)
> -- Insert results into temp error log table
> Insert into Error_Log_Results
> Select @.batchid, @.linkservername,'1', *
> From Error_Log_Results_Temp
> Where (vchMessage like '%error:%'
> or vchMessage like '%failed%'
> or vchMessage like '%invalid%'
> or vchMessage like '%full%'
> or vchMessage like '%hung%'
> or vchMessage like '%kill%'
> or vchMessage like '%violation%'
> or vchMessage like '%SqlDumpExceptionHandler%'
> or vchMessage like '%EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION%'
> or vchMessage like '%Stack%'
> or vchMessage like '%terminating%'
> or vchMessage like '%shutdown%'
> or vchMessage like '%fatal%')
> Truncate Table Error_Log_Results_Temp
> Insert into Job_Status
> Select 'Finished', @.linkservername, getdate()
> End
> FETCH NEXT From linkserver_cursor into @.linkservername
> End
> CLOSE linkserver_cursor
> DEALLOCATE linkserver_cursor
> -- Cleanup
> Drop Table [dbo].[Error_Log_Results_Temp]
> Drop Table [dbo].[Job_Status]
> -- print ' '
> -- print '***************************************
> -- print '** End of Report: '+convert(varchar(64),getdate())+' **'
> -- print '***************************************
> -- Return (0)
> GO
> --
> Message posted via http://www.webservertalk.com
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