Hi, I'm getting stuck on what is probably a very simple/common task: Adding a textbox that displays the parameters that a user has selected for the current report.
For example, if the user chooses a @.startdate and @.enddate using date-pickers, a textbox in the header will display/print those parameters:
="Report by Department from " + @.startdate+ " to " + @.enddate
Seems simple, but I keep getting errors:
"Return statement in a Function, Get or Operator must return a value".
Can anyone help out with the proper syntax for repeating a user's parameters in the header or body of a report?
="Report by Department from " & Parameters!startdate.value " to " & Parameters!enddate.value
you can also right click at your textbox in the header and choose Expression to edit expression..
in there , choose Parameters in the left pane and double click the needed parameters in the right pane...
the expression will show at the top pane...
|||Ah, of course - Thankl you!|||What about something more general like looping through the parameters and writing them out by name and value? Any ideas?|||do you mean multivalue parameters ?
if it is, u can try =Join(Parameters!status.label, ",")
.label for name; .value for value
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